Pennie Lane Vintage Custom Coats

We offer vintage Penny Lane coats that can be embroidered with a design from our shop, letting you create a truly one-of-a-kind piece! Some leather coats may not be suited for certain designs; we will let you know if this is an issue. With many styles in our inventory, you can choose the perfect coat for customization. Only one coat available per listing. If you don’t see your preferred size or style, we’re happy to shop for one at an additional cost, ensuring you get exactly what you’re looking for.
Free Shipping! Be sure to add your vintage coat to your cart along with any embroidery design listing from the shop!
Email us at with any questions.
9 products

Photos from Our Customers

These are some of the great photos that customers have sent in to us! They are all having a blast rockin' their Custom threadz!

Each item is specially stitched for you

This isn't Amaz*n. This isn't wasteful. This isn't imported. THIS IS HAND CUSTOMIZED vintage fashion. Established in 2015 and made by a traveling concert fanatic

just for you.



Every idea is a possibility